
In a world where tolerance sometimes seems on the wane, the objective of this site is to find and invite adherence to the common thread that links religions and beliefs.

The word Sufi may be from ūf, meaning “wool” or “fabric material,” in which case the Sufi would be a weaver.  Or it may be from Sophia, in the sense of “wisdom,” in which case the Sufi would be a sage.  Or the word may simply be a mystical sound (sooo-feee) that wafts through the fiber of our being and then across the threshold of existence and nonexistence.

17 Responses to About

  1. djmrakiey says:

    There is a lot of thoughtful insights here … we all could learn from sharing… thank you for stopping by. ☮

  2. brenda says:

    A gift for me this Sunday morning? :). Or, reflections of spirituality that nourish the soul? 🙂 I am so grateful that your comment regarding this week’s photo challenge served as an introduction to your blog as I welcome the opportunity to open my awareness of existence through your spiritual lens. Thank you for this gift.

    • sufiways says:

      Thank you for your remarks. We, the authors of this blog, seek spirituality and universality, and are trying to learn how to go about it. Your blog and your images will help.

  3. Capt Jill says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my photos of the sea. Your sufism sounds interesting.

  4. Nickie Brook says:

    Thank you for liking some of my posts, I enjoy what you have here, glad I could stop by!

  5. sheenmeem says:

    I have nominated you for two awards. Please check:

    The Two Awards

  6. belsbror says:

    Greetings! Awards time, fellow blogger!
    I nominate you for Being a Light in the World Award.
    You can check .http://wp.me/p32YrK-JC for more details.
    Have a wonderful day!

  7. I love this “about” and the concept of linking together all religions. Joseph Campbell did that in describing the mystical aspect all inherently point to, beyond the word, beyond the book, where the heart seems to lie. In there are the seeds for tolerance and love. I am following your site because tolerance is a passion of mine. Very happy to hold your cyber hand. Paulette

    • sufiways says:

      Thank you for your wise words.
      The mystic experience is common to religions and breeds tolerance. Says Karen Armstrong in her A History of God: ‘Even if we are incapable of the higher states of consciousness achieved by a mystic, we can learn that God does not exist in any simplistic sense, for example, or that the very word “God” is only a symbol of a reality that ineffably transcends it. The mystical agnosticism could help us to acquire a restraint that stops us rushing into these complex matters with dogmatic assurance.’
      The first rule of society, I think, is tolerance. We need to be constantly reminded of that. Thank you for being a partner in spreading this word

  8. thatssojacob says:

    Ali: Thanks for your visit! Come back again soon 🙂

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